Sunday 4 March 2012

Crosscurrents Conference 2012

Four of my colleagues and I attended a fantastic conference hosted by the Special Education Association (SEA), British Columbia Teachers Federation. Teachers from the western provinces and northern territories were in attendance. It was great opportunity to network with collegues from Nunavut and NWT.

I chose to attend sessions on differentiated instruction. Faye Brownlie is a fantastic speaker. She has reaffirmed my beliefs in 'all means all' - no matter what age, grade, school or subject taught. How refreshing!

This year, our school is in it's first year of implementing a non-categorical resource model. More time is spent supporting students in the classroom with opportunities for older students to receive help during study block periods. There are many ways to accomplish this. We set a few goals and decided to follow Faye's guidance be developing classroom profiles in October.

We have a long way to go but I know we are moving in the right direction. I am looking for anyone out there in the blogging world who is using a similar model. Something I've learned from implementing a non-categorical resource model is that you need support from other resource teachers.

I hope to begin documenting differentiation in action at my school (with permission from my colleagues, of course). Stay tuned.